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​The Why: Our Mission and Vision


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide ethically sourced video data to train AI models that are aligned with human creativity. We provide a platform for people to create high-quality video content custom-made for training AI models, ensuring fair compensation and fostering innovation in the AI industry.


Our Vision

To become the leading source for AI-ready video training data, revolutionizing how AI companies access human-generated content while connecting creatives with opportunities to monetize their skills in the emerging AI economy.​

What's In It For Creatives:


First of all… money.
How we anticipate you making money:


Bulk video data purchases by AI companies


Every time an AI company purchases videos from our company, the creatives on our platform will be paid based on how many videos they have uploaded. This is a new field, so we can’t guarantee how much you’ll make per video. Remember, these are only 15- to 20-second videos. For now, let’s imagine the scenario below:


We make a deal with an AI company for $2/video for 1 million videos. Half of the money from the deal will go to our creatives to be split up among them. That’s $1 million in this example. Let’s say you uploaded 1,000 videos (totaling about 5 hours of video), which could also be seen as you providing 0.1% of our video database. You would get $1,000 from this deal, which is 0.1% of the $1 million that would be split up among our creator community. Now, let’s say we made the same deal with 10 AI companies. Then you’d get $10,000. And so on and so on. It's easily possible to film at least 1,000 videos in a day, and we hope that even just one day of filming could end up bringing you thousands of dollars of earnings over time.


We want the creatives on our platform to make a lot of money. We will do our best to make that happen. Remember, there is currently no limit to the amount of videos you can upload, and the more you upload, the more you will make each time we make a deal with an AI company.


Dreams for the future:


Once our company makes enough money, we’d love to produce movies made by our creator community. We’d also love to give out grants to creatives. Make your dreams come true. That kind of fun stuff.​


Beyond Entertainment - Your content won't just train entertainment AI. It will help develop tools for:

  • Education

  • Healthcare

  • Safety training

  • Virtual reality

  • Autonomous vehicles

  • And so much more...​​​

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